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Mission Statement

At Republic Health we transform healthcare with Service, Integrity, Compassion, Collaboration and Courage. With unwavering Integrity, we prioritize honesty and transparency in staffing. Our Compassion ensures human-centric placements. Through Collaboration, we meet unique staffing needs. With Courage, we innovate and navigate challenges. Above all, our mission is rooted in Service to clients, candidates, and the healthcare community, contributing to a healthier, compassionate world.

Our Leadership Team

“We before Me: Where Partnership Meets Solution" 


Scott Martindale

Chief Executive Officer/Founder

Clint Clark

Chief Operating Officer

Ashley Green

Chief Financial Officer

Nancy Dolan

Vice President

Jessica Bedford

Director of Human Resources

Sharon Dausel

Director of Compliance

Abby Holder

Director of Permanent Placement

Lori Minor

Director of Interim Services

Michael Elm

Director of Business Development

Scott Martindale

Scott Martindale

Chief Executive Officer/Founder

Clint Clark

Clint Clark

Chief Operating Officer

Ashley Green

Ashley Green

Chief Financial Officer

Nancy Dolan

Nancy Dolan

Vice President

Jessica Bedford

Jessica Bedford

Director of Human Resources

Sharon Dausel

Sharon Dausel

Director of Compliance

Abby Holder

Abby Holder

Director of Permanent Placement

Lori Minor

Lori Minor

Director of Interim Services

Michael Elm

Michael Elm

Director of Business Development
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